Now Photo Editing Tool Operated By Facebook Itself

Facebook OfficeFacebook is an online social networking service where we can upload our photos, stories, status etc. It’s a relatively straightforward process where you select the photos you want, add a caption, tag friend and that’s it. If you want to post process your photo, you will need to do it earlier on a separate app like a Photoshop.

According to the earlier report, it seems that facebook has already stepped up their photo editing tools on the web. Facebook had previously launched a tool for mobile devices called Stickered. Using this we can add filters stickers and text to your photos while uploading via your phone. Now when users upload photos onto the social media’s website, they have the option of doing more than just adding captions and tagging friends, as you can see in the screenshot above.

Basically the web photo uploader tool will now give users more powerful tools to edit their photos beforehand. This includes adding a variety of different filters to their photos from Instagram. Users will also be able to superimpose text so if the regular heading isn’t doing it for you, then this should do the trick.###