U.S. Judge Permits Twitter Court Case over Inspection to Move Forward

U.S. Judge Permits Twitter Court Case over Inspection to Move Forward

A U.S. judge this week ruled that Twitter Inc. might move forward with a court case that targets to free technology firms to talk more openly about inspection requests they get from the Government of the U.S.

The Government of the U.S. had been unsuccessful to display the type of “present and clear danger” that might possibly give good reason for restraining constitutional right to speak of inspection requests of Twitter, Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers, the U.S. District Judge in Oakland, California, claimed in a written order. “The restrictions by the government on Twitter’s speech are based on content and previous restraints focus on the uppermost stage of inspection under the First Amendment,” Rogers further added in the written order.

U.S. Judge Permits Twitter Court Case over Inspection to Move Forward

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the U.S. promises certain rights comprising freedom of speech. The Justice Department of the U.S. is evaluating the move, a spokesperson claimed to the media. Jack Dorsey, Chief Executive of Twitter, retweeted a company statement: “Twitter is continuing its fight for more transparency under the First Amendment.” Twitter registered the court case in 2014 after exposures by previous contractor of National Security Agency, Edward Snowden, regarding the level of U.S. spying.

The lawsuit is targeted at finishing lawful limits on data that tech firms can offer about the National Security requests of the U.S. At this moment, firms can disclose the myriad of requests they have received, but only within a series, such as 0 to 499 in a time frame of 6-month. Facebook Inc., for instance, has revealed that at the time of past 6 months of 2016, it got between 0 to 499 letters related to National Security. It is a kind of government order from the Government of the U.S. for communications information that does not need a warrant. Rogers planned a hearing in Twitter’s case for subsequent month.

Having said this, one thing is clear that technology, if in wrong hands, might cause a huge damage for the whole world. Even though we are aware that the involvement of Twitter in all such political and defense matter is negligible, the company cannot escape the fate.###