Is Xbox One S worth the Upgrade?

Is Xbox One S worth the Upgrade?

The Microsoft Xbox One S is the new variant of the gaming console, which the company might have initially rolled out back in 2013 as an alternative of the awkward beast that it first introduced. It is enhanced in numerous ways, making it even more of a commendable option to PlayStation 4 of Sony.

Is Xbox One S worth the Upgrade?

The new gaming console of Microsoft provides far more alternatives for a superior hard drive, attractive enclosure, some video bonuses for owners of 4K TVs, and a slightly redesigned controller. It starts at £250, AU$400, or $300 for the 500 GB variant and £300, AU$500, or $350 for a 1 TB version, as well as £350, AU$549, or $400 for 2TB model.

If you think that the price is too damn high, then it is worth a shot. But there are some drawbacks as well. The One S will not be recommended by its users all of a sudden. There are two factors behind this scene. Initially, it does not give vast upgrading for someone who previously holds an Xbox One. But more prominently, the company has by now assured that the next Xbox, which is rumored to be named as Project Scorpio, will be announced later this year with the sincerely geared-up VR-ready hardware and graphics that users desire for.

When it is all done and said, the Microsoft Xbox One S gaming console should be initially seen as a trimmed-down variant of the Xbox One that rolls out a gently upgraded controller and stipulations for 4K display. It is not going to give you a full and life-living gaming experience. Practically, you are probably in a good state off grabbing an older Xbox One, which is now being put up for sale at affordable and never imagined price tags. Nevertheless, if this is your first time of buying an Xbox One, then we recommend you to wait for some more time and continue saving money for the upcoming Project Scorpio. The reason—the upcoming console is said to fill the gaps of expectations is that the initial two consoles failed to do so.
